Have you ever wished that you could be part of a community where introverts and book nerds were actually the cool group? Where, no matter what you wear, where you live, or what car you drive, you fit it? No matter what you love to do for a hobby or that books light you up, you fit in….
Well, just so you know, there is a place, it exists! And I will take you there in just a minute.
A while ago, I scrolled Instagram and Facebook, wasting time and ambition, looking for all the bookish things. As a writer, I wanted to find a space where I could talk about writing, characters, plotting, world-building, and all things storytelling.
Don’t get me wrong... There are plenty of awesome writers’ groups out there. But, after being a part of a few, I found a heap of negative advice, and people putting people down after they shared their creativity for feedback. Oh, how this made me cranky. Those groups were not ones I was comfortable being a part of. So, like many people do when they can’t find exactly what they want, I created my own.
The Happy Writer’s Club was born!! And it is a place for writers, authors, and aspiring authors of all stages. Everyone is welcome. The only rule is that we are always positive and helpful to others and destructive feedback is not ok. Sound like a good place to hang out?
At the Happy Writer’s Club we do many things, motivation Mondays, authors supporting authors (where we spotlight an author or two each week), link drop Tuesdays, and work in progress Wednesday. We also help authors to grow their readership via email list promo days and author website days. We have feedback days and writing sprints, as well as days where we share writing advice and tips in the group.
On the weekends it is more social with selfie Saturday and social Sunday where we can follow each other and find new writer and author friends. Any members are most welcome to post in the group, whether they are asking for feedback or would love some pre-orders for their newest release!
If this sounds like a community, you would love to be a part of and you think would be beneficial to your writing and author goals and dreams, then we would love to have you. You can follow the link below to join.
Cant wait to see you in the group! Happy Writing!!
Rose-Marie :)